Stupendous. Marvelous. Beyond comparison. One of its own kinds. These are the words that describe Burj al-Arab hotel in Dubai. Well equipped with state of the art facilities and rendering unsurpassed service, this one hotel is internationally acclaimed for its massive structure. Burj al arab hotel in dubai, United Arab Emirates is the single 7 star hotel in the world and boasts of many entertainment options for ones comfortable stay in Dubai. This super luxury hotel was designed by British architect Tom Wright and constructed- supervised by Canadian engineer Rick Gregory. Its construction started in the year 1994 and stands 321 metres tall. I was so smitten by this iconic structure that decided that I should visit this colossal hotel at least once, if not lodge in it. And finally last month I happen to visit Dubai on an official tour and also saw the striking Burj al arab hotel in Dubai.
Dubai Summer surprise 2008 more
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